Saturday, June 15, 2019

Ragnar 2019: My band of heroes

Every now and then, if you are lucky, you get a small glimpse of heaven.  Today was one of those days. Thanks to good friends and total strangers

Each day, as the morning light breaks over the mountains,  we grind out the  the chores of existing,  often forgetting about the small things that make life worth  living.

I love to run...the fever caught me when I was 10 years old and I enjoyed the sport and the tranquility it brought to my soul until I was 50 years old.   I was also pretty good at it, having run a   sub 3 hour Marathon and a 4:08 mile.  It was my drug of choice in my youth and I found myself constantly chasing the endorphins that every run would deliver.

All that changed  on a dark Atlanta road  in May 1998 in the middle of a 10 mile run after work.  I collapsed on the side of the road gasping for air;  Thinking I was just tired after working a 60 hour week, I shrugged it off,  I rose to my feet and started a slow jog back to the Hotel.  Five Minutes later, I collapsed again gasping for air...I slowly rose and walked back to my Room and flew home the following morning; only to be taken to the emergency room that night.

I mostly recovered  from that episode and returned to running with very few limitations, but, a series of heart attacks in Feb. 2009 left my heart severely damaged.  I tried to return to the sport I love, but, my damaged heart  left me very close to a heart transplant and I was forced to let it go.

As the popularity of  running exploded in America, everyone seemed to catch the bug, including my friend of 25 years, Cara Garr.  More than a friend, she  became the sister I always wanted to have.  She asked me for some tips about training  for a 5k she had decided to complete in about 7 years ago.  I enjoyed coaching her and  she grew to love the sport, completing  many half marathons.

Though I enjoyed hearing her talk about her races, I would find myself longing to feel my heart pumping and lungs burning as my legs churned out mile after after mile..sending me into that high that only true disciples of the sport understand.

Two Months ago,  I was informed that my friends and 6 total strangers were  forming a Ragnar team to compete in the Wasatch Back country.  I was told the teams name...usually a funny metaphor, was heart and Sole..

That's  a nice play on words I thought...but not overly funny... Then I was told they were dedicating the run to me because my heart can't. I promised to be at the finish line to greet them.

Today, I felt a satisfaction and joy as great as any race I finished.  Its difficult to describe the emotions  and gratitude that rolled over me as they crossed the Finish line together.

Thank you to all of my friends.. and new friends on Team Heart and Sole for letting me share a part of this day with you