Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Fathers Day Dad!

Happy Fathers Day Dad!

Even though its been 38 years since you passed, I still remember everything you taught me.  Your influence has made me the man I am.  I have tried to follow your example and be a good father, husband and provider.  At times I have fallen short, but, I have no regrets.  I have done my best, which is all you ever asked of me.

I remember the great vacations we had growing up.  Even when there was very little money you always found enough for us to do something fun that helped us stay close as a family.  Yellowstone, the Black Hills, you even found a way to buy a boat so we could enjoy Flaming Gorge.

Alaska was a very happy place and time for us as a family.  I shall never forget weekend drives or the 3,000 miles trips to Utah every summer.  I shall never forget fishing on the little Susitna with you.

I shall never forget your heart problems or the strength you showed up to the very end.  Little did I realize how much your strength  and stoicism would help me through my own problems with heart disease.  You taught me to strong to the very end and I haven't forgotten.

I love you dad.. and honor your memory on this Fathers day 2011

Your son,


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