1. My first vote was for Ronald Reagan, much to the dismay of my grandfather…an FDR democrat.
2. I have voted for a Democrat ever since except for Dukakis
3. He was a man of great spirituality…even though he thought all religions were BS.
4. He offered to pay for my mission if I finished college first…I turned him down…years later I realized he was the one person who cared most about my success in life.
5. He was a hardnosed pain in the ass but it was he who taught me compassion and charity. I watched him fix cars for widowed ladies then tear up the bill.
6. Because of him, I give money to street people… helping is what matters
7. I rarely see or talk to my 4 brothers , but we are always there for each other
8. A part of me will always remain in Alaska…It was the last place my family was whole.
9. My children amaze me….I am proud of them.
10. My Granddaughter makes me laugh uncontrollably
11. My wife saved my soul…
12. I hated High School, but, still love the great friends I made there…even though I haven’t seem most of them in 30+ years.
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