Monday, December 23, 2019

My Christmas Miracle, Paying it back by paying it forward

My unexpected gift

Recently, I was in line at the Starbucks drive thru to get my morning boost before heading up the mountain for a powder day. I was behind an old  Chevy Chevette that resembled a car I had in the 80' was even red. When I pulled up to the window, the barista informed me that my drink had been paid for by the lady in that rusty red Chevette.  Recognizing the pay it forward that happens frequently at Starbucks,  I asked her how long this one had been going.  The Barista said I was the first one that day. I kept the chain going with a smile on my face and a grateful heart thanks to that young mom in the rust bucket Chevy.

As the day progressed, my thoughts returned to that little old Chevette that I owned 35 years ago and the struggles I had as a young father trying to by and provide for his family.

In 1984, Christmas was approaching and my young family was struggling to survive. The Unemployment  rate was  high, and I was having difficulty finding a job. Bills were not getting paid, and I had already received several summons on unpaid medical bills.

Earlier, in the spring, broke and broken,  I had interrupted college to complete Army Basic Training in order to be able to have money to finish my degree.  The student Loan repayment bonus offered by the National Guard was too good to pass up.  After completion of the training, my ambitious plans hit a brick wall of  disappointment as applications and interviews all informed me I was either, over or under qualified for the job.   I spent 4 months trying  to obtain work and get out of living in my Mothers house.

I had given up hope when a small miracle happened; an old High school friend was able to give me a job at a waterbed Manufacturing plant for Minimum wage.. $3.35 an hour.  Two weeks later,  another miracle,  a coworker of my brother offered us a basement apartment that had been destroyed by renters.  My young family received the first months rent free in exchange for cleaning the place up.

And then  one month later, in another incredible miracle, I received an Offer of Employment from The Internal Revenue  Service doubling my salary and launching a 35 year career where I have risen to the highest levels one can reach in government service.

Paying it Back

Having been on the receiving end of the pay it forward that day, I thought I had done my part at that Starbucks by paying for the next persons drink.  I found out that my gift was not there, but, at the Black Bear Diner where I went for lunch.

The diner was jammed, and being alone, I grabbed the last seat at the end of  the counter.  My server,
 a young slender girl who reminded me of my eldest daughter, took my order.  She looked exhausted and troubled, yet managed a smile and kept checking in on me even though it was taking forever to get my food to me.  After 45 Minutes, she brought my order, the check, apologized for how long it took and told me my drink was on her due to the inconvenience.

I felt prompted  to do something for her and quietly slipped $40 under my drink glass with a note that simply said "Hope you have a Merry Christmas".

I rushed to the register with my ticket and felt my pay it forward was complete.  My young server was working the register and wouldn't see my gift till I was  gone.

My  Christmas Miracle

I walked to my truck and as I was climbing in, I felt a touch on my shoulder, I turned around and received a huge hug from that server, who informed me that she was down because she hadn't had any money her young son's Christmas present,  and now she would be able to get it  She told me I was her Christmas angel and that she would never forget me. I mumbled Merry Christmas and drove away.

Pay it forward and pay it back.  You will never know greater joy than I did in that brief moment.

I often wonder what would have happened to my life if I hadn't ran into that high school friend ...or if the guy hadn't offered us that stinky old apartment...Or the many other family Friends and Strangers hadn't helped me out in my desperate hour of need.

We have all struggled in this life and friends, families ,and strangers have helped all of us make it to the next day its why we are all here together.

May your Christmas be merry and bright.

There are angels among us.  They are you and me. 
If you feel the need to help someone.  Do it. 

If you are worried about whether they will waste your  money, you are missing the whole point.

Everyone needs help sometimes

Some deserve it, some don't.  What you give is a gift of love.  No conditions or expectations.

Pay it back by paying it forward.

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